The Photo Survey results shown below are from results between September 19, 2018 to December 2, 2018.
Photos of things people "Like" in San Mateo
This is a larger Mediterranean Building downtown. This building has great scale of detail for its size. (Location: Downtown San Mateo)
Traditional homes and tree lined neighborhoods – Mediterranean, Tudor, Craftsman, Art Deco, Classical Revival, Greek Revival, Italianate, Victorian. (Location: Residential street, San Mateo)
The Draper University building is a lovely taller building. Height matters less than architectural character. Buildings like Draper University’s tower, with respectful, human-scaled detailing are very appropriate for San Mateo. (Location: Downtown San Mateo)
Architectural details, character, materials, color, texture, pedestrian scale. (Location: 201 S. B Street, San Mateo)
I like the scale of the detailing of the buildings in this photo. I would be happy with larger buildings here, but they should maintain this aesthetic quality. This area needs more street trees. (Location: B Street at Baldwin)
Photos of things people "Dislike" in San Mateo
The chain link fence is ugly and screams “keep out.” It collects trash, and the house looks abandoned. (Location: Delaware Street in North Central)
Overgrown shrubs and obstacles make walking on sidewalks uncomfortable. This makes me feel pedestrians are second class and prioritized lower than cars. (Location: Aragon neighborhood)
I dislike huge potholes and terrible patches streets. (Location: North Central)
Instead of cars parked over the curb, there should be trees and larger sidewalks for comfortable pedestrianism. (Location: North Central Neighborhood)
I dislike this because the city allows for unsightly overhead cables throughout our city. The city should consider regulating the aesthetics,which it has the legal authority to do, of overhead cables installed on our public streets and in residents’ backyards. (Location: Donner Street, 50 feet south of the Donner and 37th Ave intersection)
Vacant building downtown, under utilized precious land downtown that could be transit oriented development. (Location:Downtown on 1st)
Children and families would like to play without the stench and mosquito breeding grounds interfering. Disgusting garbage collecting area. (Location: Joinville Park near the water treatment plant)
I dislike the broken sidewalk and litter. (Location: North Central)
Empty undeveloped lots downtown in prime locations. Why not build, lease to city for community garden, art gallery, pop up shop, pocket playground. (Location: Downtown on 1st ave)
These buildings are monotonous and do not relate to their surrounding context. (Location: Looking from B Street and Baldwin Ave.)
Obstacles in sidewalks indicate pedestrians are second-class citizens and cars are king. (Location: Sidewalk near El Camino)
Trash in the streets. Concentrated poverty = lack of community pride. (Location: Tilton Avenue at N Railroad Avenue)
Disgustingly, embarrassingly dirty sidewalks downtown & trash receptacles that don’t really work & leak black garbage juice onto sidewalks (Location: downtown – B Street)
Photos of things people "Wish to See" in San Mateo
This new building has lots of housing and fits well with existing architecture around town. (Location: Pasadena, CA)
We’re probably the only city around that doesn’t have a downtown farmer’s market. Why not close off part of B St. between 5th and 9th and at least have a small one similar to the Burlingame one?
Mixed-use Spanish Revival building in Palo Alto. The scale is perfect for the neighborhood and allows a lot of homes in this walkable place. (Location: Corner of Ramona and University in Palo Alto)
This street provides a comfortable scale of urbanism that would be appropriate for San Mateo. Pre-War Main Street USA.
The architectural scale and classic proportions fit well with the surrounding area. This scale would provide amble homes for people downtown. (Location: Corner of Ramona and Hamilton in Palo Alto)
These new buildings are very fitting with the existing streetscape and provide a lot of homes and customers for the local businesses. (Location: Downtown Portsmouth, NH)
This is a very comfortable, walkable place in a small European city, Bonn, Germany. There are 4-stories of homes above each business, and people love being there. The scale of the buildings is perfect for pedestrian places. There is variation in the architecture, but also harmony. (Location: Downtown Bonn, Germany)