Throughout the General Plan Update project, the City Council and Planning Commission will be presented with information at key milestones and asked for direction or approval. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings. Meeting materials will be posted on the Friday before each meeting.
At this meeting, the City Council reviewed and provided feedback on the implementation plans for General Plan 2040 and the 2023-2031 Housing Element. The implementation plans present the actions the City plans to take to achieve the goals in General Plan 2040 and Housing Element, and identifies the lead department or agency, priority of each action based on available City resources, and the anticipated level of effort. The implementation plans are living documents that will be updated as priorities evolve. Annually, as required by State Law and the Municipal Code, the Community Development Department will submit a report to the City Council on the status of the General Plan and Housing Element and its implementation.
Please visit the City’s Public Meeting Portal for the meeting agenda, report and video recording.
On Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7:00pm the City Council will hold a public hearing to review and consider adoption of the Housing Element. The City’s Housing Element was found to be in substantial compliance with State housing law by the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) on January 19, 2024.
To access meeting materials and watch the meeting on Zoom, please follow the online directions at:
Review the Housing Element online at or at San Mateo City Hall (330 West 20th Avenue).
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 6:00pm, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the Housing Element and provide a recommendation to City Council. The City’s Housing Element was found to be in substantial compliance with State housing law by the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) on January 19, 2024. Review the Housing Element online at or at San Mateo City Hall (330 West 20th Avenue).
Please visit the City’s Public Meeting Portal for the meeting agenda, report and video recording.
Since 2018, the City has been working on General Plan 2040 – the plan that lays out the community’s vision for how our city will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years. After 5.5 years of extensive community conversations and engagement, General Plan 2040 is now ready for adoption! The final General Plan reflects community input and Council’s direction provided on the Draft General Plan during the Fall of 2023.
At this final adoption hearing, the City Council reviewed the final version of General Plan 2040, the Final Environmental Impact Report, and Climate Action Plan Technical Update; received public input; and approved the certification of the Environmental Impact Report, and adoption of the General Plan and Climate Action Plan Technical Update.
Since 2018, the City has been working on General Plan 2040 – the plan that lays out the community’s vision for how our city will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years. After 5.5 years of extensive community conversations and engagement, General Plan 2040 is now ready for adoption! The final General Plan reflects community input and Council’s direction provided on the Draft General Plan during the Fall of 2023.
At this initial adoption hearing, the City Council received a presentation of the General Plan 2040, the Final Environmental Impact Report, and Climate Action Plan Technical Update; collected and considered public input and the Planning Commission’s recommendations; and reviewed these documents and provided direction to staff, as needed, to ensure that the General Plan is ready for adoption. However, the Council did not take action to adopt General Plan 2040 or certify Environmental Impact Report at this meeting.
Since 2018, the City has been working on General Plan 2040 – the plan that lays out the community’s vision for how our city will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years. After 5.5 years of extensive community conversations and engagement, General Plan 2040 is now ready for adoption! The final General Plan reflects community input and Council’s direction provided on the Draft General Plan during the Fall of 2023.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the final version of General Plan 2040 and the Final Environmental Impact Report for General Plan 2040, collected public input, and provided a recommendation for City Council consideration during the adoption hearings that will be held on March 4th and March 18th.
On October 30, 2023, the City Council held a special meeting to receive an overview of Draft General Plan 2040’s Land Use Element, Introduction and Glossary, receive public comments and provide direction to staff on these sections. During the meeting, the Council discussed and provided direction on updates and revisions to the Introduction, Glossary, Land Use Element and Land Use Map. At this meeting, Council also requested additional information on parcels within ¼-mile of a Caltrain station, the Measure Y community benefits framework, and what could be allowed under the recently enacted state legislation AB 1287. On November 13, 2023, the City Council continued the discussion and provided final direction for any revisions to the Final General Plan.
In this public meeting, the City Council reviewed the Land Use Element, Introduction, and Glossary of the Draft General Plan. The City Council considered suggested changes from the community, General Plan Subcommittee, and Planning Commission and provided direction on any revisions to the Final General Plan.
In this public meeting, the City Council reviewed three elements of the Draft General Plan: Safety, Public Services and Facilities, and Circulation. The City Council considered suggested changes from the community, General Plan Subcommittee, and Planning Commission and provided direction on any revisions to the Final General Plan.
In this public meeting, the City Council reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) and three elements of the Draft General Plan: Community Design and Historic Preservation, Noise, and Conservation, Open Space, and Parks. The City Council considered suggested changes from the community, General Plan Subcommittee and Planning Commission and provided direction on any revisions to the Final General Plan.
The General Plan lays out the community’s vision for how our City will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years. At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the Strive San Mateo Draft General Plan 2040 and recommended revisions.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission heard public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR). The DEIR is an assessment of the potential environmental consequences of the proposed policies, programs, and actions in the General Plan.
The City Council held a study session to discuss options to update the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element. The City’s Housing Element, a state-mandated plan for how San Mateo can accommodate at least 7,015 new homes over the next eight years, has received a second round of comments from the State Housing and Community development Department (HCD); through an official letter of response dated March 27, 2023.
The 2023-2031 Housing Element establishes goals, policies and programs to help address the City’s current and future housing needs. The comments from HCD are requiring the City to find new strategies for identifying enough sites within the City deemed adequate for development to meet its affordable housing needs. The City Council previously held a study session on April 17, 2023 and recommended that City Staff explore several recommended alternatives to increase housing potential, and to present their findings at a subsequent public hearing. The public was invited to attend the City Council study session on June 5th to consider the recommendations presented by staff and to provide public comments on the Housing Element.
Please visit the City’s Public Meeting Portal for the meeting agenda, report and video recording.
The City Council held a public hearing on March 6th to provide direction on the height and density ranges associated with each land use designation that will be included in the Public Review Draft General Plan, confirm direction on General Plan alignment with Measure Y and a future ballot initiative to update Measure Y, and provide input, if desired, on other policies or programs/actions in the General Plan Update, including the Housing Element.
At this public meeting on April 3rd, the City Council will confirm the proposed height and density ranges that go into the Public Review Draft General Plan and if/when a communitywide survey should be conducted to gauge support for these height and density ranges. This is a study session, so no formal actions will be taken, and all elements of the General Plan are considered draft until the General Plan is formally adopted by the City Council.
Please visit the City’s Public Meeting Portal for the meeting agenda, report and video recording.
At this public meeting, the City Council was asked to confirm if the proposed height ranges associated with each land use designation are appropriate to include in the Public Review Draft General Plan, confirm direction on General Plan alignment with Measure Y and a future ballot initiative to update Measure Y, and provide input, if desired, on other policies or programs/actions in the General Plan Update, including the Housing Element.
The City Council held a public hearing to receive public comment and consider adoption of the 2023-2031 Housing Element. The City’s Updated Housing Element was revised in response to comments from the State Housing and Community development Department (HCD); and published for a second round of public review on December 30, 2022. The second formal public review period was between December 30, 2022 and January 9, 2023, however comments are still being accepted.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 12, 2023 and recommended that the City Council decline to adopt the Housing Element as drafted. The City Council held a public hearing on January 24th to receive public comments, consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation and take action on the Updated Housing Element.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing for the 2023-2031 Housing Element. The City updated the 2023-2031 Housing Element in response to comments from the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD); and it was available for a second round of public review between December 30, 2022 and January 9, 2023. For more information about the Housing Element, please visit the City’s Housing Element webpage.
At this public meeting, the City Council reviewed input from the community, Planning Commission, and General Plan Subcommittee, and provided direction on the draft goals and policies for the General Plan.
The City Council held a Study Session on Monday, November 7th to review the response letter from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on the City’s Draft Housing Element, receive public comments and provide direction on updating the Draft Housing Element. Topics addressed included a deeper analysis on issues related to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, providing more detail on redevelopment trends and constraints of the sites identified in the inventory, and creating new housing policies and programs in accordance with state statute that are addressed with measurable metrics and stricter timelines. The HCD comment letter was posted to the City’s Housing Element webpage.
At this public meeting, the City Council reviewed input from the community, Planning Commission, and General Plan Subcommittee, and provided direction on the draft goals and policies for the General Plan.
At this public meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed input from the community and General Plan Subcommittee, and provided a recommendation on the draft goals and policies for the General Plan.
At this public meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed input from the community and General Plan Subcommittee, and provided a recommendation on the draft goals and policies for the General Plan.
At this public meeting, the City Council confirmed the draft land use map and the heights and densities associated with each land use category for the General Plan Update, and considered a land use designation request at 1501-1555 Hillsdale Blvd.
Based on community, Planning Commission, and City Council input, the City has developed a Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element that identifies how the City can accommodate 7,015 housing units over the next 8 years and establishes goals, policies and programs to help address the current and future housing needs within the City while affirmatively further fair housing policies. It is an important document that will guide future decisions about housing and sets forth an action plan to implement housing goals in the next eight years.
The City Council held a public hearing to receive community input and consider the Draft Housing Element. The Draft Housing Element is available for public review at City Hall and online at
This meeting was a continuance from the April 26, 2022 public hearing. Please visit the City’s Public Meeting Portal for the meeting agenda, report and video recording.
At this public meeting, the City Council reviewed the input from the community, Planning Commission and General Plan Subcommittee, and provided direction on the preferred land use and circulation scenario.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the input from the community and General Plan Subcommittee, and provided a recommendation to the City Council on the preferred land use and circulation scenario.
The City held a scoping meeting to solicit public comment on the environmental issues to be addressed in the City’s Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update. The scoping meeting was held as part of the scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Due to the State of California’s Declaration of Emergency and Shelter in Place Order, all City Council and Commission meetings were held remotely. The public was able to attend the scoping meeting and provide comment virtually using the instructions included in the agenda and provided on the City’s website at
At this meeting, the City Council heard a summary of the community, General Plan Subcommittee, and Planning Commission feedback on the draft alternatives and provided direction on whether the draft alternatives represent a sufficient range of alternatives to evaluate in the next phase of the project. The City Council did not choose among the alternatives at this meeting; that process will begin after the alternatives have been evaluated and the General Plan team shares that evaluation with the community in Winter 2021 through Spring 2022.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission heard a summary of the community and General Plan Subcommittee feedback on the draft alternatives and considered whether the draft alternatives represent a sufficient range of alternatives to evaluate in the next phase of the project. The Planning Commission did not choose among the alternatives at this meeting; that process will begin after the alternatives have been evaluated and the General Plan team shares that evaluation with the community in Winter 2021 through Spring 2022.
At this meeting, the General Plan Team provided the Council an update on the General Plan. Meeting materials from the meeting can be found on the City’s website.
On Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the City Council received a status update, considered next steps and provided feedback for the General Plan and Housing Element update processes. The City Council meeting began at 7 pm, and was open to the public.
To access meeting materials and watch the meeting on Zoom, please follow the online directions at:
The City Council held a study session on General Plan next steps on Monday, June 15th at 5:00 pm. To view the meeting materials, please use Chrome to access:
If you have comments or questions, please contact Zachary Dahl at
The General Plan is the document that guides how the City will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years. General Plan study areas are those areas that are most likely to change over the next 20 years. Those changes could be new development, new bike or pedestrian amenities, traffic improvements, infrastructure upgrades, street beautification, or other changes. Identifying study areas is the first step in the process to envision, evaluate, and choose among future alternative scenarios.
At this meeting, the City Council provided clarification on the General Plan study areas based on feedback from the community to update the Study Area Boundaries Map Version 4 (V4), including eliminating one- and two-family residentially zoned parcels from study areas and increasing focus on residential growth by employing accessory dwelling units. This change confirmed that no land use alternatives or upzoning will be initially considered in the one- and two-family residential zones throughout the city.
Please visit the events page to learn about future events. We welcome your feedback about the events through the comment form available here.
At this meeting, the City Council reviewed the draft study areas.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the draft study areas. The meeting packet from the meeting is available online at:
At this meeting, the City Council reviewed the Draft Vision Statement.
Click here for meeting materials and video.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the Draft Vision Statement.
Click here for meeting materials and video.
On August 6, 2018, the City Council finalized the appointment of the seven member General Plan Subcommittee.
Click here for meeting materials and video.
On June 18, 2018, the City Council approved the composition and appointment process for the General Plan Subcommittee.
Click here to access the meeting materials and video.
On May 21, 2018, the City Council reviewed the draft public participation plan for the General Plan Update effort, which will include coordination with the Downtown Plan Update effort, and provided direction for the formation of the General Plan Subcommittee.
Click here to access the meeting materials and video.
On April 16, 2018, the City Council approved the Agreement with PlaceWorks, Inc. for consultant services.
Click here to access the meeting materials and video.
On October 30, 2017, the City Council provided direction to staff to initiate the update of the General Plan including the hiring of consultants to assist City staff with the multi-year effort.
Click here for meeting materials and video.