
General Plan

The General Plan Subcommittee (GPS), a Council appointed committee, will supplement the community input provided at public workshops, pop-up events, and online, and will provide feedback and guidance throughout the San Mateo General Plan Update process.

The GPS has three main functions, all of which are of equal importance:

  • To provide feedback to City staff and project consultants, with the goal of creating plans that are responsive to neighborhood and community goals, conditions, and aspirations;
  • To provide input to the Planning Commission and City Council at key project milestones; and
  • To communicate information about the General Plan Update to other San Mateans and to encourage their friends, neighbors, and colleagues to participate in the process.

Even though the GPS includes City Council and Commission members, it is an advisory committee.  Its recommendations will be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration and potential action. GPS meetings are open to the public and always include a time to hear from the community.

The GPS membership is as follows:





Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings

There are no upcoming meetings scheduled at this time.

Past Subcommittee Meetings

© Copyright 2021 City of San Mateo
Planning Division
330 West 20th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403

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