Strive San Mateo

General Plan 2040

General Plan 2040 Adopted!

On Monday, March 18, the City Council adopted San Mateo’s General Plan 2040, which lays out the community’s vision for how our city will look, feel, and change over the coming years.

This important milestone was achieved after six years of dedicated work by City staff—with the extensive input and contributions of more than 6,000 San Mateans, from civic leaders and residents to business owners and visitors. General Plan 2040 built upon the City’s prior General Plan to address new and emerging issues and to plan for a more equitable future. Big ideas in General Plan 2040 include a framework to ensure public services and infrastructure service levels are maintained/improved as the City grows; allowing additional housing and higher densities close to transit while maintaining existing development patterns in San Mateo’s lower density neighborhoods; and improving health and infrastructure disparities in San Mateo’s equity priority neighborhoods.

Brand New to the General Plan? Start here:

Ready to Explore the Adopted General Plan 2040? Use these links:

General Plan 2040 Maps


Please submit questions on General Plan 2040 by emailing:

General Plan 2040 Resources

Dive deeper into specific questions, topics, and background information:

The Interactive Land Use Map is a webtool that allows you to click on a parcel within the City to view details about its existing and proposed land use designation as assigned in the Draft General Plan 2040. 

A Fiscal Analysis based on General Plan 2040’s final land use map, was prepared by Economic & Planning Systems (EPS), the General Plan’s economic consultant, to confirm that future growth will be fiscally sustainable and public services can be maintained. The fiscal analysis is based on the City’s budget documents, interviews with key City service providers (e.g., Police, Fire, Public Works), and well-accepted budget forecasting techniques to evaluate the impact of the assumed buildout of General Plan 2040 on General Fund revenues and General Fund expenditures. 

Use the links below to view the previous draft iterations of General Plan 2040: 

The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for General Plan 2040 has been released. The FEIR provides responses to all comments received on the Draft EIR and includes revisions to the Draft EIR to provide clarifications, address new information and align with updates to the General Plan. The EIR was prepared to assess the potential environmental consequences of approving and implementing General Plan 2040 and proposed Climate Action Plan update, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan was available for public review for a 45-day period, commencing on August 11, 2023, and ending September 25, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The EIR evaluates potential impacts to San Mateo’s physical environment, examining topics such as impacts to the transportation system, air quality, noise, and natural resources.

All EIR documents, including the Draft EIR and full appendices, can be found at:





Simplified Chinese

The Draft General Plan User Guide provides information about the Draft General Plan 2040, including what a General Plan is, what the big ideas are, and where you can find the issues that you care about in the General Plan. 

Click here to view the community input received on the Draft General Plan through an online tool that was available from July 17, 2023 through October 1, 2023. 

The City hosted five District Town Hall Meetings around the City to gather feedback on the Draft General Plan. The meetings occurred in August and September 2023. More information can be found on this postcard. The presentation, comments, meeting notes, and the boards from the Town Hall Meetings can be found below.

District 1 Town Hall

District 2 Town Hall

District 3 Town Hall

District 4 Town Hall

District 5 Town Hall

Town Hall Boards

The Measure Y FAQ handout provides information about the relationship between the Draft General Plan 2040 and Measure Y. 

The Heights and Density Tour Guide shows examples of newer buildings on the Peninsula with different heights and densities, including buildings that exceed five-stories or 50 units per acre. Take a drive down El Camino Real and visit some of these buildings! Which ones would work best within San Mateo? 

The Alternatives Evaluation Workbook, from 2022, provided information about and comparison of three land use and circulation alternatives to help community members and decision-makers create a preferred scenario that is the basis for Draft General Plan 2040.

The workbook is split into the following sections:

The Place Types Menu presents simplified land use categories used in the creation of the land use alternatives. It describes the density range permitted by each land use category and the type of use that would be permitted. 

Arc Urban is an online tool that shows potential height and massing within selected parts of four of the land use alternative Study Areas. 





Simplified Chinese


English and Spanish

English and Simplified Chinese

Información en Español​

Revisa estos materiales para aprender mas sobre el Plan General:

Este documento explica que es un plan general. 

El borrador del Plan General 2040 incluye las siguientes grandes ideas que guiarán las nuevas prioridades de desarrollo, formulación de políticas y presupuesto durante los próximos 20 años. 

Obtenga más información sobre las reuniones del ayuntamiento del distrito del consejo en este folleto

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Planning Division
330 West 20th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403

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